Vick’s Plant - Greenery With Beauty And Amazing Fragrance

Author: Eugeniu V.

Published on 18.09.2022

Vicks plant is also known as Plectranthus tomentosa is the greenery that belongs to the mint family. The plant is native to South Africa. Other famous names also include Cuban oregano, Succulent coleus, and tomentosus. This beauty is very easy to cultivate and grow. This succulent has a sweet mint scent. It is one of the most desired and loved indoor and outdoor plants. 


What Does Vicks Plant Look Like?

The Vicks Plant matures to a height of up to 1 foot and a diameter of 2.5 feet. It develops in a shrub-like manner. The plant's stems start off green but over time become black. As it grows, the woody bark is developed. The Vicks plant has fragrant leaves that are typically light green in color, somewhat egg-shaped and scalloped edges. A thick coating of short, silvery hairs is distributed on the leaf surfaces. 

Those beauties have blooms of white or purple colored flowers. They can produce flowers twice in one year. The first time the colorful blooms start to emerge is in the early spring, as soon as the ground warms up and the sun appears. The second bloom is in the fall, once the temperature goes down to normal.

Purple flowers attract beneficial insects such as bees and butterflies. Great news, also do a terrific job of keeping mosquitoes away. Vicks plant creates a wonderful, very unusual shrub that grows as broad as it does tall. You should definitely include it in your medicinal garden.

Its calming methanol scent is similar to a vapor rub. by combining them with Vaseline, you can make the rub. Additionally, you can soak them in hot boiling water. The inhalation of the steam will clean the nasal passages

Vicks Plant Care Guide  


Typically, the main threat to succulents is overwatering. Yet, in comparison to others, the Vicks plant prefers more water. However, too damp soil will still cause root rot. This greenery will enjoy a good soaking once in a while. 

Make sure to water your Vicks Plant thoroughly. Also, the drainage holes in the bottom are a must. This way, extra water will have the way to go. Keep in mind overwatering does not mean that you give your plants too much water. Overwatering typically happens with frequent watering.  Therefore, after watering your plant, you should wait until the dirt is completely dry before watering it again.

To be sure that the soil is completely dried you can do the test. One of the first options is the use of a moisture meter. Yet, not everybody has this device around. A SImpler method is to use the finger or the stick. If you feel moisture in the soil, go back in two or three days to check again.

Those plants store water in the foliage. This creates the possibility to keep the water for prolonged periods. That is why they can survive the drought better than other plants.


The Vicks Plant prefers the same types of soil as many other succulent plants. The best soil is one that drains well, especially if it includes big particles to allow for optimum airflow. Avoid soil mixtures that have a lot of clay, coconut coir, or peat moss. These substances have a propensity to hold onto moisture. Which will eventually result in unintentional overwatering.

Instead, search for soils developed for use with cacti and succulents. These soil mixtures will have additional components that aid in drainages. Such components are pumice, perlite, sand, and gravel. Over time, they may be modified by including additional grittier minerals as needed.

Those plants grow absolutely fine in the pots. For this, provide them with enough well-draining soil, nutrients, and sunlight. Avoid windy areas since the plants may be vulnerable to the wind and may break.

The size of the container is important. The amount of soil should allow the roots to grow. They thrive in arrangements with hanging baskets. They beautifully fall over the edge of an elevated container. 


It's advisable to give your Vicks Plant a lot of bright light when cultivated indoors. The ideal window is one that faces south. However, west or east-facing windows frequently function just as well. This plant can't survive in low-light conditions.

Sometimes plant starts to stretch towards the light. It is a clear indication that it needs to be placed somewhere else. 

Vicks Plants grow best outside under the direct sun and also like partial shade. In extremely hot areas direct sun may cause sunburn. So, the placement depends on the location of where you live. Although extended exposure to too much light might harm a succulent. Sunburn is often lethal, so it's crucial to transfer the plant as soon as you can.

If you have the plant inside and plan to take it out it is important to prepare it.  To lessen the danger of sunburn, you should gradually adapt your Vicks Plant to the outdoors. You may give the plant extra time to acclimatize. This can be done by gradually increasing the length of time it spends in direct sunlight.


Plectranthus tomentosa swelters below 55 °F and loves the heat. Leaf drop as a result of cold, excessively moist soils. Extreme heat above 95 °F is also unpleasant, though. Lack of heat may stress them out, and moisture availability undoubtedly has an impact.

Those beauties are not frost-tolerant succulents. Therefore,  you will need to move your plant if it gets cold outside. it is advisable to grow them in a portable container as opposed to on the ground outside. Especially if your region is cold. 

Propagation And Cultivation


You may cultivate the Vicks Plant from seeds. The seeds have to be sown 2-3 months prior to the last day of frost in the spring. Plants shouldn't be placed outside in the garden until all threat of frost has passed. It is advised to sow seeds in a growth medium that has a depth of at least 3 inches. The recommended temperature for seedlings is 70 Fahrenheit (21°C). Seeds should be put on the surface since they need light to sprout. It needs even watering and misting once in a while.


The offset separation propagation technique is among the simplest. Little offsets typically form in the base of the plant. As they grow and develop large enough, they can be separated from the mother Vicks plant. It's easier to use your fingers to carefully pry the little baby plant out of the dirt.  To prevent any unintentional harm, be sure to grab it close to the plant's root. You may also carefully separate the roots with a clean, sharp knife. To see the roots more clearly, you may even remove the dirt if necessary.


Another easy technique of propagating Vicks Plants is cuttings. They are simple to gather and as simple to cultivate. Make careful to gather many cuttings so they may all be put in the same container so it looks full. 

After gathering your cuttings, you must treat them exactly as you would offset. let them air dry for a few days so that it dries. You can transfer the cuttings to new soil once they have been calloused. After that, place the cutting in the well-draining soil and wait for the roots to emerge. 

Bottom Line

Vicks plants are not only beautiful green decorations for houses, patios, or gardens. They have many benefits and are widely used in medicine. They release the fresh, minty fragrance. This makes them even more loved and cherished. So, the Vicks plant is one of the best greenery you can have.